Long Island Paving

During the installation of an asphalt pavement, proper compaction of the newly paved material is a critically important factor affecting its longevity. The goal of compaction is to make the mix denser by removing air voids and locking the aggregates together. Proper compaction produces a pavement that will be durable, stable, and smooth, and the pavement will have better resistance to deformation and water penetration. Poorly compacted asphalt will be more prone to rutting, cracking, and other types of damage that can lead to the rapid deterioration of the pavement. Several factors can impact the compaction, including the type of asphalt mix, the properties of the base and subgrade, the thickness of the individual asphalt layers, and the number and type of the rolling machines used. The temperatures of the ground, air, and asphalt are also of critical importance.

How Does the Type of Asphalt Mix Affect Compaction?

Asphalt paving contractors have access to many different mixes, including stone matrix, open graded, and densely graded. Densely graded categories are used to subdivide coarse, fine, or uniform mixes. The grade of an asphalt mix depends primarily on the size of the individual aggregate particles. The binder type and mineral filler amount in the mix can also vary, in addition to aggregates. The mix determines the stiffness of all these ingredients and their ability to be compacted properly.

How Do the Base and Subgrade Affect the Compaction of Asphalt Paving?

Just like a house, an asphalt pavement needs a stable foundation. Paving contractors typically refer to the underlying soil as the subgrade. Also, the aggregate layer directly beneath the pavement as the base. It is more common to install and compact an aggregate base on top of a compacted subgrade for some jobs. This is done rather than using the compacted soil as the foundation. If workers do not compact the asphalt layers properly, the compaction will be inadequate.

Why Are Temperatures Important During Asphalt Paving?

After asphalt reaches a certain temperature, workers must place, work, and compact it before it cools. Colder ground and air temperatures make the asphalt cool faster. This means that the contractor’s crew will have less time to complete their tasks before the asphalt becomes impossible to work and compact.

Why Does the Thickness of the Layers Matter for Asphalt Compaction?

After asphalt reaches a certain temperature, it must be placed, worked, and compacted before it cools. Thin layers lose their heat more rapidly, giving the paving crew less time to complete their tasks, including compaction.

How Does Rolling Affect Asphalt Compaction?

Asphalt paving contractors use rolling machines for compaction, but there are several different types available, including vibrating, pneumatic, and static wheel rollers. The job requires the machine’s rollers to have the appropriate size, weight, speed, and maneuverability. Asphalt layers should not vibrate with rollers that are an inch or less in thickness. Furthermore, the contractor may need multiple rolling machines of the same type if the project is large in scope, the site is remote, or the job has an immutable completion date.

Royal Pavement Solutions Is the Company to Trust

At Royal Pavement Solutions, we are known for our professionalism, outstanding craftsmanship, and willingness to go the extra mile for our customers. We offer asphalt milling, sealcoating, paving, and repairs as well as concrete work, parking lot striping, and site work. For a free quote, you can submit the online request form, or you can call us at 844-777-7924 to reach our main office.

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